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Parkwood Theatres is committed to recruiting quality, motivated and dynamic individuals for all aspects of our operations.

By paying attention to the people we employ, in the form of training and development, we are able to achieve the excellence for which we strive. Parkwood Theatres is committed to being the recognised standard for quality, care, and excellence. Be part of a winning team!

Freelance Technicians

The Hawth is interested in hearing from experienced industry professionals to join our Freelance team of theatre technicians.

As a self-employed freelancer on the technical team, the opportunity exists to support the theatre’s busy programme of events across two main performance spaces, the Amphitheatre and other events held in and around the theatre building. 

Tasks include actively working as part of the venue’s technical crew including (but not limited to) the operating of sound, lighting, counterweight flying, stage and other equipment for get-ins, fit-ups, rehearsals, shows and get-outs; servicing meetings, conferences and events; and regular and specialist maintenance tasks on venue equipment.

Good housekeeping and attention to health and safety is the top priority and extends to all members of the team whether on salary or as a contractor. You will be required to maintain your own professional indemnity insurance policy and submit invoices for all hours worked, payable within 30 days of receipt of invoice.

For a full description of the position, please click here. For more information or to express your interest please email